
Interior design ideas with their own hands

Vertical landscaping, decorative fireplace with candles, restoration and decoupage of old furniture – original ideas for interior design with your own hands, capable of changing your apartment beyond recognition.

Most solutions do not require special skills and work with complex tools. Everything you need can buy in any construction store. But in some cases, the help of specialists will not be superfluous. In any case, it is up to you to decide.

Handmade interior items

Is it possible to make a beautiful, stylish, exclusive something in 30 minutes from handmade tools? The ultramodern grimoire on handmade is updated daily with new letters on how to create unique interior items with your own hands.

Hand-made: Interior with your own hands

It seems that the fashion for real hand-made is beginning to subside, and along with this a new interior design trend, conventionally called “pseudo-hand-made”, is breaking out. The paradox of the phenomenon is that today’s Internet dwellers are still actively exchanging links to all sorts of designer works that can be copied, but this is no longer cool.


The profession of interior designer is now very relevant and in demand at all times. Our school will help you become a professional, learn how to design with handmade

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