Vertical landscaping, decorative fireplace with candles, restoration and decoupage of old furniture – original ideas for interior design with your own hands, capable of changing your apartment beyond recognition.
Most solutions do not require special skills and work with complex tools. Everything you need can buy in any construction store. But in some cases, the help of specialists will not be superfluous. In any case, it is up to you to decide.
Vertical landscaping – decorating ideas.
The ideal solution for small-sized apartments, in which it is not possible to place live flowers and other plants because of the banal lack of space. There is no place to put them horizontally – create vertical green areas.
As a basis you can use a wire construction, a thin rack with earth pockets, but it’s much easier to buy a plastic phytomodule.
Phytomodules are characterized by their lightness and aligned design. They are easy to install on any surface, plastic requires almost no maintenance – it is not subject to corrosion, does not rot.
After installing the base, choose the plants. It is best to choose flowers and herbs with a developed root system, in particular:
Ampelous plants – philodendron, hoya, scindapsus.
Ornamental grapes – for example, Amur grapes.
Spathiphyllums, fitonias, sanseviers.
Interior design with their own hands when landscaping will become easier if you think through the location of the phytomodule in advance. If it will be in a hot room, the moisture-loving plants will require constant watering. So it makes sense to choose flowers and herbs that are resistant to dry soil or buy hydroponics systems.
Give grandmother’s cupboards, tables and drawers a second life through independent restoration. Let’s make a reservation: with your own forces you can cope only with decoration and minimal repairs (for example, with grinding worktops and replacing fittings).
If the framework and the basic elements of the structure are damaged, you will have to go to the masters. Popular ways to decorate old furniture:
- Decoupage.
- Painting.
- Carving on wood.
- Bright fittings.
- 3D ornaments.
If with the first four methods everything is clear, then the creation of 3D ornaments raises questions. This is a non-trivial solution for interior design with your own hands, which involves the creation of patterns using fittings. For example, ornaments in the Moroccan style with twisted metal buttons. Such patterns create luxurious visual effects.
An interior design idea for the living room is a decorative fireplace with candles.
Create a really cozy apartment interior design with your own hands – a decorative fireplace can be made even from cardboard, but it is better to give preference to a more durable construction on a frame basis. To do this, screw a steel sheet to the floor and fix a metal frame on it (it can be ordered from any welder, less often you can buy ready-made).
Next, trim the frame with sheets of plasterboard and mask the seams with masking tape. The finished construction can be pasted with heavy paper with imitation brickwork. Another idea for interior design with their own hands: use electric candles instead of lamps. They are surprisingly in harmony with the decorative fireplace, look natural and bring a note of romantic comfort.

The profession of interior designer is now very relevant and in demand at all times. Our school will help you become a professional, learn how to design with handmade
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